We have been writing recounts about the caterpillar that we had in our classroom at the beginning of the school year.

We made an anchor chart in our class with the success criteria for a recount and we decided that a good recount needs to have the following:
- transition words (first, next, finally)
- answers the five W's (who, what, where, when, why)
- beginning, middle and end
- 5 star sentences
- lots of detail

The students did a great job including all of the important parts of a recount! They wrote a rough draft and then edited their writing. You can see pictures of their good copies below. For privacy reasons, I have not attached the student's names to their recounts, but they will be able to tell you which one they wrote. Click on the images to make them appear bigger on your screen.

Well done on your caterpillar recounts Grade 2's!!! Next week we will be writing another recount about an important event in our lives (such as a family trip, a birthday part, a sleepover, etc.).